MSWL 3.0 Stats: Our First Month

…Young Adult, and Cozy. Remember, you can use specific phrases in case they show up in anyone’s written profile; other phrases that were searched include LGBT, Time Travel, Witches, Diverse,…

Jessica Reino

The moment when I pick up a book and delve so deep into that world that I am compelled to finish it in one sitting and have coffee with at…

Rachel Lee Cherry

I’m immediately interested in books that take a familiar situation or trope and change it: space opera with predominantly female characters, fantasy stories in which white characters are rare and…

Susan Hawk

…me MG or YA about that. Am always interested in books with LGBT protagonist or characters, in YA and MG. Edgy, dark MG that pushes the boundaries of “upper MG.”…

Cheri Champagne

I am looking for exciting manuscripts with strong characters, great world building, and engaging emotions. I am primarily interested in historical romance, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, and suspense novels….

Ashley Collom

…Ashley seeks out authors that are intersectional feminists, LGBT+ folks, PoC, and more broadly, people trying to help other people with their art. She wants projects that make her heart…

Hilary Harwell

…chapter books, and graphic novels from author-illustrators. Specific wishlist items: Stories from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ authors and any other traditionally marginalized groups Rich and culturally informed fantasy worlds across audiences ALL…

Paul Stevens

Paul Stevens joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2016. Before that he worked as an editor for 15 years, primarily at Tor Books, where he edited science fiction, fantasy,…

Ann Rose

…journey is, but it still ends in a HEA. (Happily Ever After or Happily For Now.) LGBTQIA+ romances–everyone deserves their happy ending. Love is love. I’m really wanting more f/f…