Magical Realism, Part II

…to complete the magic. Magical realism doesn’t have these structures. Not everyone in a magical realism novel encounters magic, but there is no delineation between those two practice magic and…

Magical Realism, Part I

…want magical realism. See a list of agents and editors wishing for Magical Realism. * Roseanne Wells joined The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency as an associate agent in 2012….

Emelie Burl

…how wonderful and magical the world can be. I love a good magical realism book and I’m all about character growth over political schemes. Sure, Frodo and Sam were on…

Caitlyn Averett

…beyond our world. More specifically, I’m looking for: YA: magical realism/low fantasy, grounded sci-fi (not looking for traveling the galaxy stories), thrillers, contemporary, gritty/edgy realism, LGBTQIA+, and diverse voices. MG:…

Hannah Andrade

About Hannah started as an agency assistant before moving on to acquire her own clients. She’s been with Bradford Literary Agency since 2017 and has had the privilege to work…

Nina Leon

…I love magical academia with a dark edge – maybe someone was murdered in the library. I love anything that deals with magical realms/Gods watching over the human realm (think…

Maria Vicente

…a compelling sales hook. Some subcategories I’m particularly interested in seeing: upmarket speculative fiction (grounded fantasy, magical realism, retellings of fairy tales and folktakes, horror) like Of Bees and Mist…

Alyssa Miele

My taste steers me more frequently toward contemporary realistic fiction in YA and MG. From commercial to literary, queer to straight, and everything in between, I’m looking for manuscripts that…