
How to Craft an Author Bio

by Sierra Godfrey Hello, Sierra here, the designer behind Manuscript Wish List® and one half of Atmosphere Websites (along with Mike Chen). I’m here to talk to you today about the way to present yourself on your website or blog. Present myself? you might be wondering. Well…I put on pants today, anyway. No, I’m referring to … Read more

The Secret to Writing a Successful Query Letter

by Andrea Somberg, Harvey Klinger Inc. I love receiving queries. There is such a wonderful sense of unlimited potential—perhaps this is the next manuscript I’ll fall in love with! Perhaps this will be my next bestseller! Of course, my excitement is somewhat tempered by the fact that I receive a lot of queries, and I can’t … Read more

The “Young” Editor

by Karmen Cook, The History Press I’d had a whirlwind three months following my graduation from Agnes Scott College. I was the school’s marketing and social media intern at the time, so I was able to live-tweet our graduation exercises! One month after graduation I flew halfway across the country to attend the Denver Publishing … Read more

A Tour of the Harlequin Offices + Why I Love Editing

by Carly Silver I’m so excited to be a featured guest blogger on Manuscript Wish List! Since the goal of the website is to connect authors, editors, and agents and help everyone get to know one another, I thought I’d provide a bit of insight into what makes me tick. My desk has quite a … Read more

MSWL 3.0 Stats: Our First Month

by Mike Chen It’s been a month (well, technically a month and a day) since the doors opened on the new Manuscript Wish List® 3.0. The response has been overwhelming, so much in fact that over server was overloaded during that busy first day. Since then, we’ve had more than 100 new agents and editors … Read more

How I Found My Agent with #MSWL

By Dee Leone   It was late in the evening and I had just finished what I hoped was my final draft of a manuscript. I rewarded myself with playtime on Twitter. Somehow or another I happened upon a week-old tweet by Red Sofa literary agent @StaceyiGraham: “Have a quirky NF PB? … Looking for … Read more