Three-Day Workshop: Movement, Momentum & Keeping An Agent Reading | November 15-17

Every writer wants to make something that their reader cannot put down. We might even want readers to go through an emotional change, as if experiencing the shifting world of the story themselves.

But what makes us keep turning those pages? What makes us feel the impact of time along with fictional characters? What is the force pulling us from the beginning to the end of a story?

In our three days together, this workshop will explore several theories and approaches to creating time and momentum on the page, with concrete and unpacked examples and exercises.

Each day, we’ll share daily classes, hands-on exercises, a feedback panel, and lessons from expert Anne Elliott on keeping an agent reading.

Everything starts Tuesday, and comes with a replay, so you can work on your schedule.

We hope this will make you feel supported, creative, and confident that you can keep an agent reading. 

Your three-day mini-conference, interactive workshop, daily lessons, and live feedback panel are included with your $49 ticket.

Whether you’re about to send your first query or your 70th, we’ll help you polish your pages, maximize your chances, and think about your work in a new way.

Hope this finds you well, and hope to see you there!

All best wishes,
Jessica, Julie & Anne