Ever wonder what happens when you meet with an agent? Two very generous people–Danielle Chiotti, agent, and Kayla King, writer–let us listen in on their consultation. In this episode, Danielle reacts to Kayla’s page in the moment, asks for clarification, and comes up with solutions on the spot to make Kayla’s page (even) stronger.
Want to see Danielle do a LIVE first pages panel? Join us May 14, 8:30pm EDT. Send your page and a question ahead for a chance of live feedback from Danielle, Jessica and Julie–or send it ahead and watch the digital replay on your phone, tablet or laptop. Learn more and RSVP here: https://manuscriptacademy.com/Danielle.
You can find Kayla at kaylakingbooks.com and on Twitter @KaylaMKing.