📚🎧Writers On Strike: Lessons From WGA For Book Authors with Derek Santos Olson📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. The more we hear about the Writer’s Guild of America West, the more we wonder why book authors don’t have something similar. Did you know that members of The Writer’s Guild of America receive health insurance (good health insurance!), among many other benefits—all for 1.5% of the member’s … Read more

📚🎧Bestselling Author Ashley Audrain on Fear, Expectation & Writing Hard Things📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Today we have the delightful Ashley Audrain, author of The Push, as we discuss her new book, The Whispers. From the many faces of motherhood, getting inspiration from your neighborhood, pantsing, editing, and creating suspense, we get into what it took to send this book out into the … Read more

📚🎧Literary Agents of Change: Daniele Hunter and The AALA’s New Initiative

mswlacademy · Literary Agents of Change: Daniele Hunter and The AALA's New Initiative Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Join us as we speak with Daniele Hunter, Junior Agent at McIntosh & Otis, AALA member, and AALA DEI committee and Literary Agents of Change member! Becoming a literary agent is not for the faint … Read more

📚🎧Penguin Random House Senior Executive Editor Sara Sargent on How Editors Choose Books📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are thrilled to welcome Sara Sargent, Senior Executive Editor at Random House Books for Young Readers, to the podcast. In our cozy member lounge format (rather like a neighborhood potluck, we think, that happens to feature publishing experts), we asked her questions about how editors choose books, … Read more

📚🎧Industry News, Client Insight & How To Be More Human In the Age of AI with Agent Alyssa Jennette📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. Friends! We have the wonderful Alyssa Jennette of Stonesong Literary Agency joining us today as we tackle the current highlights and worrying dark sides of publishing. Today we chat about the varied approaches to agenting, story creation and AI, how much we need writers, the beautiful moments in … Read more

📚🎧Learning From Rejection: A Success Story with Agent-Author Pair Jessie Latimer and Kristen Terrette📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are so excited to welcome the delightful author-agent pair Jessie Latimer and Kristen Terrette, Martin Literary Management. We talk about genre-blending, the power of referrals, editing, and learning from your rejections, as well as Jessie’s exciting new submission (her YA protagonist dives into her favorite book to … Read more

📚🎧#MSWL Live Agent Panel: Caitlin McDonald, Samantha Wekstein, Thao Le & Taj McCoy

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. The votes are in! Science Fiction, Fantasy, Speculative & Supernatural won—and we’ve built this panel to that theme. But even if you’re writing serious nonfiction, or in a completely other genre, this is a great view into what agents love within genres—and how agenting, in general, works. With … Read more

📚🎧“This Is What I Love About Agenting”—How Adriann Ranta-Zurhellen Found Joslin Brorsen📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are so happy to welcome happy author-agent pair Adriann Ranta Zurhellen, Folio Literary Management, and author Joslin Brorsen, who created a magical written world specifically for her son. We love hearing how they found each other—how Joslin’s work fits right into Adriann’s #MSWL—and their tips for how to … Read more

📚🎧Bestselling Author Lauren DeStefano on Why You Shouldn’t Aim For A 100 Percent Publication Rate📚🎧

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. We are so excited to get to talk with Lauren DeStefano! Not only have we been fans for more than a decade, but she is just so darn cool in person. We talk about power dynamics, having characters live in different genres (the women of her story are … Read more

📚🎧How To Be A Good Literary Citizen

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Soundcloud. The world is a lot right now–politically and otherwise. Here at the Manuscript Academy, we started thinking about what it means to be a good literary citizen in a time of book bans–and what you can do both for you and for the writers who come after you. … Read more