Trinity McFadden

The Bindery

My Manuscript Wish List®

Trinity McFadden joined The Bindery in 2020, after having worked in traditional publishing for more than a decade in editorial and public relations roles for both trade and academic imprints. She was promoted to Senior Agent in 2023. Her undergraduate education in philosophy, English, and journalism is supplemented by her master’s degree in business administration. She lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband and daughter. While her interests are broad, Trinity is especially seeking to promote under-represented voices with growing platforms. She values excellent writing combined with fresh ideas, especially around messages of liberation. If a book can help a reader understand themselves or the world in a new or better way, she’s intrigued. Her specialties include compelling practical and narrative nonfiction in categories including social & culture issues, feminism, religion & spirituality, history, biography, reportage, subcultures, and mental health & wellness.

The Bindery is a literary agency that serves both first-time and established writers, with a particular focus on under-represented voices. We secure competitive book deals for our clients and work for their publishing interests in a wide variety of formats, mediums, and genres. We are also members of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA). Launched in 2017, The Bindery now consists of a team of literary agents committed to providing targeted, experienced, and strategic publishing guidance for each author we serve, anchored by shared values of professionalism, mutual respect, publishing expertise, strategy, editorial development, and love for books. Each of our agents represents a carefully curated roster of authors writing and publishing in diverse categories, and together we have nearly 100 combined years of publishing experience working for companies such as Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and many others. Books written by our authors have won major literary awards, hit numerous bestsellers lists, and sold millions of copies. We work with our authors to set and achieve long-term writing goals, develop compelling book proposals, dream up marketing and publicity ideas, and negotiate book deals with publishers of all kinds. Our collaborative approach, multi-disciplinary background, and deep knowledge of industry best practices set our authors up to publish well. At the center of our work is a commitment to diversity, because it’s the right thing to do and makes the world a better place.

Submission Guidelines

I prefer to receive submission directly via Query Tracker: 

Alternatively, you can query via email–however, this inbox is shared, so Query Tracker is a more reliable way to get your submission to me. Here are the instructions:

To query The Bindery about literary representation, email your query to Please include the following in the body of your email: a clear summary of your book concept, an author biography, the table of contents (for nonfiction), at least two sample chapters plus a one-page synopsis for fiction, relevant contact information, and any publishing history. Include the word “QUERY” in the email subject line and if you’ve completed a book proposal, please attach that document to your email. You may address your query to one agent or to The Bindery as a whole.

Vital Info