Tamar Rydzinski
Context Literary Agency
My Manuscript Wish List®
The most important thing for me when reading a manuscript is connecting to the protagonist, and I find myself connecting to characters who know (or learn) their self worth. If there’s a relationship, I want the people in the relationship to respect each other. This applies to all the manuscripts I seek to represent, whether adult or children’s. I am open to reading anything middle grade or above. I’m probably not the right agent for humor, though I love books that are humorous. I love interesting settings. I love books that make me think about a topic in a completely new way. Finally, I love books that are epic — epic love, epic adventure, epic failure, epic after school job, epic sibling rivalry, etc. If you can make the mundane epic, that’s amazing.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to querytamar@contextlit.com
Please send a query letter — or email — telling me about your book and convincing me that I want to read more. If you would like, you may include a synopsis and no more than 10 pages.
Vital Info