Sharon Pelletier

Dystel, Goderich & Bourret

My Manuscript Wish List®

Sharon Pelletier joined Dystel, Goderich & Bourret in 2013 after working in editorial at small presses and as a B&N bookseller, was named senior agent in 2021, and named vice president in 2024. Born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan, Sharon has lived in New York since 2009, but often returns to visit the Midwest and dreams of living by the ocean one day. Sharon’s list includes upmarket fiction of all sorts, from smart, complex women’s fiction; to unexpected suspense fiction and romance; to hearty, unforgettable book club fiction. She also occasionally takes on compelling, fierce narrative nonfiction by journalists, experts, or emerging voices with a promising platform.

Fun facts about me:

Likes: white wine, concert t-shirts, nieces and nephews, resilient houseplants, the One Direction extended universe, potato-based foods, bar league darts

Dislikes: authors who don’t honor query guidelines, the patriarchy, sweet drinks


Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Please only query me by Query Manager:

Please allow 8 weeks before following up on queries, and two months before following up on requested manuscripts (unless of course you’ve received an offer of representation on a MS I’ve requested – in that case, congrats and please do let me know asap!).

See the DG&B website for answers to many submission FAQs.


Guidelines & Details