Sarah Homer

HarperCollins Publishers

My Manuscript Wish List®

I’m always looking for stories by authors from marginalized communities. 

My primary focus is on non-illustrated middle grade and young adult novels. I love books that have a fresh, immersive, and authentic voice; unexpected plot twists; a vivid setting that feels in itself like a character; a strong sense of urgency to keep me hooked; and a perfect balance of humor and poignancy. Above all, I’m drawn to unputdownable stories that evoke a strong emotional response. And I’m always open to being surprised by submissions that might not seem like my type on paper but feel like they could be a great fit.

In MG, I’m looking for heartfelt and sweet contemporaries, stories with a fun touch of magic set in our world, gently spooky horror, and grounded, accessible fantasy, especially retellings of or spins on mythology or folklore. 

In YA, I like contemporary and contemporary-with-a-magical-twist (less speculative, more grounded). I love mysteries (including murder mysteries) and thrillers, and romances/romcoms with a unique and fresh hook. In fantasy/romantasy, I’m most drawn to worlds that feel familiar but have some magical element (such as Divine Rivals). I’m always happy to see submissions with crossover appeal.

Some buzzwords and concepts that almost always pique my interest: mysteries and whodunits, international travel, and characters who take on an advice-giving/therapist kind of role (bonus if that turns into borderline meddling–see Jane Austen’s Emma Woodhouse as an example). And I love to see projects that blend a bold and commercial premise with an immersive, authentic, unforgettable voice.

I’m not the best editor for stories about eating disorders or stories with gratuitous depictions of physical violence. Please note that I’m not currently looking for picture book or chapter book submissions.

Fun facts about me:

For the last 10+ years, my family’s annual Christmas card has been a spoof of a classic rock album cover. We’ve covered such classics as Abbey RoadQueen II, and Ramones.

Submission Guidelines

Unfortunately, HarperCollins doesn’t accept unagented submissions.

Agents, please email your pitch and the manuscript to me at Harper. Looking forward to hearing from you!