Sara Schonfeld


My Manuscript Wish List®

At HarperCollins, I’m searching for commercial books with literary merit in the middle grade and teen categories. I prioritize centering voices that have been marginalized, and am looking for authors from all identities, experiences, and especially those who haven’t seen themselves in children’s books. Stories matter!

My personal tastes skew towards exciting, upbeat, adventure-driven A-plots that are complemented by uplifting and affirming B-plots. If the driving plotline can be something exciting—monsters, superheroes, mysteries—and the characters can learn important lessons about self-acceptance, empathy, and healthy relationship-building, it’s probably a great fit for me! I love joyful, happy stories that leave readers with hope!

While I love a high-concept hook, I do want a story that feels grounded in today’s world, either contemporary or with a pinch of magic/genre (what I’m calling Genre Lite)!

When considering a book, I always ask myself what readers will take away from a story. What can a kid reader learn from this story about themselves, their friends, and their world?

Fun facts about me:

  • I had pet rabbits growing up (a total of 6!)
  • My older sister and I used to write books together—so I’m a fan of a good sister story! (She’s now a published author!)
  • I played alto saxophone in jazz band. I was not very good.

Submission Guidelines

Agented submissions only

Guidelines & Details