Maggie Sadler

Corvisiero Literary Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

I am actively building my client list with a distinct focus on adult fiction. Adventurous with a love of the weird and wild, I seek to connect with ambitious storytellers who flirt with magic and mayhem. Above all, I crave voice-rich writing and wholly unique concepts that leave me reeling over the palpable talent.

Areas of Interest

  • Propulsive literary fiction with carefully crafted tension written in lyrical, stylish prose
  • Work that revels in liminality with its genre play—if the project is best described as “Part X, Part Y, and Part Z,” consider my interest piqued (bonus points for intermediality!)
  • Intelligently speculative or high-concept fiction with unusual flavors—let’s get weird
  • Atmospheric and twisty Magical Realism with nuanced, emotionally complex characters
  • While I prefer more literary work, I will also consider:
    • Upmarket fiction that explores distinct perspectives, diverse voices, and immersive settings
    • Untold narratives or underrepresented perspectives in historical fiction (pre-twentieth century, please)
  • I also welcome the following in the narrative nonfiction space:
    • Travel narratives that depict remote locations and thought-provoking encounters in an authentic and intentional voice; I’m particularly fascinated with the concept of “slow travel”
    • Aesthetic-rich projects that orbit the spheres of wellness, holistic medicine, and women’s health
    • Work that marries a warm, rich storyteller’s register with naturalist themes

I am NOT looking to acquire high or epic fantasy, science fiction of any kind, commercial romance, thrillers, political/war narratives, or books for young readers at this time.

Emailed submissions will not be considered.

Fun facts about me:

Professionally irrelevant but potentially charming tidbits:

  • I have called four different countries home, with each location being, coincidentally, coastal: USA, Scotland, The Gambia, and Canada (Newfoundland).
  • My horse Cooper is much more interesting than I am. His antics include but are not limited to drinking a tipple of brandy from a cup, wearing a variety of hats, and enjoying music by his favorite artist, Prince.
  • I confess to being a serial hobbyist—watercolor painting, mounted archery, and fly fishing are a few of my recent quests.
  • I am of the very firm opinion that the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy is solely about Elizabeth Swann, and I will die on that hill.

Submission Guidelines

Please review our Agents’ profiles to choose the Literary Agent who is the best fit for your genre/writing style. Once you’ve chosen the right agent for you, click on the SUBMIT WORK HERE button on their page to complete the Query Manager submission form.

Important Notes: 

  • PLEASE ONLY SUBMIT TO ONE CORVISIERO AGENT AT A TIME. A rejection from one agent is a rejection from the entire agency. Please do not query another agent unless expressly invited.
  • For fiction, we require a query letter along with a 1-2 page synopsis (includes spoilers and the ending) and the first 5-10 pages of your manuscript.
  • For non-fiction, you should include a full proposal (including a sample chapter), but make sure the Agent accepts non-fiction and follow their specific submission guidelines.
  • All sample pages must be properly formatted into 1-inch margins, double-spaced lines, and Times New Roman black font size 12.

Guidelines & Details

Vital Info