Lee OBrien

Looking Glass Literary

My Manuscript Wish List®

I’m looking for a range of MG, YA, and adult commercial fiction, from fantasy, to thrillers, to romcoms. Some things that I’m particularly interested in:

  • Fantasy, across all age categories, from sweeping secondary-world epics to more grounded fantasy, to character driven stories with a dash of magic
    • I also love contemporary fantasy that can take place in our world while still feeling epic, any kind of villain book, and fantasies with a driving romance.
  • YA thrillers and mysteries, from whodunits, to locked rooms and dwindling casts, to psychological thrillers—anything tense and compelling, that can keep me guessing
  • YA and MG horror
    • In YA, I’m especially interested in queer and diverse horror—both stories that take on old horror tropes in new ways, as well as stories that are just a scary good time (and books that do both!)
    • In MG, I love books to read with a flashlight (and again, diverse stories especially), and or anything with a creepy atmospheric.
  • I’d love to see thrillers in adult as well—I’m especially interested in psychological thrillers, domestic suspense, as well as anything mystery driven that can keep me up guessing.
    • I also always love a social thriller full of twists, or an Eat The Rich story in the vein of KNIVES OUT
  • Romcoms in Adult and YA—anything fun and full of chemistry, with leads we can’t help falling in love with
    • I have a particular soft-spot for queer romcoms (and queer romance in general!), for pretty much any trope—slow-burns, love triangles, and shippable friends- or enemies-to-lovers
  • I am actively seeking underrepresented voices, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA, disability, neurodiversity, and mental illness, and books where multiple identities intersect. I’d also love to see more positive fat rep, and books with a diversity of body types.
  • I always love to be surprised, and I often fall hard for books that I didn’t know to ask for–while I hope that this list gives you a sense of my tastes and some things that I would love to see, if you think we’d be a good fit, please feel free to reach out!

What I’m not currently looking for:

I don’t represent ANY nonfiction, memoirs, picture books, chapter books for young readers, screenplays, erotica, or inspirational/faith-based fiction.

While I do represent select science fiction, I’m incredibly selective about these titles and generally take very little of it. Space Opera, hard sci-fi, military SF, and anything set in space are typically a very hard sell for me. (Unless it’s a GIDEON THE NINTH situation where it’s a lot of lesbian necromancers and bone magic, and a little bit of space–I really need it to feel like fantasy.)

Submissions should be emailed to leesubmissions@lookingglasslit.com

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