Kristy Hunter

The Knight Agency

My Manuscript Wish List®

After finishing undergrad (where I studied English Lit and Women & Gender Studies), I moved to NYC to attend the Columbia Publishing Course and pursue a career in publishing. I started as an editorial intern at Bloomsbury Children’s Books, and then went on to work in publicity at Grove/Atlantic and Random House Children’s Books. I joined the Knight Agency in 2014 and now have the privilege of championing so many incredible writers.

Currently, I’m building my list and taking on new MG, YA and adult clients. Fresh stories with unforgettable voices always capture my interest, and I’d love to see even more ownvoices projects across all genres.

In middle grade, I’m looking for fun sweeping fantasy adventures, mysteries, heartfelt contemporaries, upbeat contemporaries, fantasy and magical realism projects.

When it comes to YA, I’m open to most genres, but specifically I’m interested in seeing fantasy and magical realism projects, rom-coms, upbeat contemporaries, contemporary projects that deal with hard issues in unique ways, southern gothics, sweeping atmospheric tales, mysteries, select sci-fi, thrillers and historical projects with a modern sensibility (to name a few).

In adult, I’m eagerly on the hunt for rom-coms or projects that would fall under the umbrella of book club fiction. These could be thrillers, contemporaries, speculative fiction, light fantasies (or grounded fantasies), historical, etc. BUT they must have a unique hook, strong writing, and appeal to a wide, commercial audience (the type of story that once you’ve finished, you can’t wait to discuss with someone else).



Fun facts about me:

I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and fell in love with books at a very young age. Now reading is a passion and also part of my job (how lucky am I?). When I’m not reading, I love snuggling my dog and traveling to new places (especially places that have delicious food). I strongly feel that any perfect day involves the beach or a Broadway musical.

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