Josephine Hao

Pandamoon Publishing

My Manuscript Wish List®

I am looking for fantasy and science fiction, both adult and YA. Character-driven stories with exceptional world building are what I’m after. If I can see your world playing out in my mind without drowning in descriptive info-dumps, you are on the right track! I want to meet diverse, complex characters that grow and evolve through the story. I want plots that are unpredictable but do not require herculean effort to suspend my disbelief. I want a page-turner that knows when to let the reader take a breath.

I love themes that tackle tough choices in relationships and the world around them. Character development that makes me crave their backstories, big-picture plot goals that hinge on saving the world, a people, humanity…send them my way!

Submission Guidelines

Pandamoon Publishing accepts completed manuscripts of Young Adult (target age 16-18), New Adult, and Adult fiction with a minimum of 50,000 words.

Manuscript format:

  • Double-spaced
  • Paragraphs indented via paragraph style, not with tabs
  • Font set to Times New Roman (or other serif font) size 12
  • Scene changes clearly noted with a blank line followed by a clear symbol (such as ***) and another blank line
  • No headers or footers
  • Please spellcheck (and, if possible, grammar check)

In lieu of an email query, Pandamoon Publishing uses Please visit the Pandamoon Publishing Submission Guidelines page for more information on how to submit.

Guidelines & Details