Jennie Dunham

Dunham Literary

My Manuscript Wish List®


First and foremost, voice. A strong narrative. Memorable characters. Unusual premises.
Underrepresented people, places, and perspectives, including #OwnVoices writers and stories.

Jennie Dunham represents:
For adults: upmarket literary fiction and non-fiction.
For children: picture books writers and illustrators, middle grade, and young adult.


Jennie Dunham has been a literary agent in New York, New York since May 1992. In August 2000 she founded Dunham Literary, Inc.

She represents literary fiction and non-fiction for adults and children. Her clients have had both critical and commercial success. Books she has represented have appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers in adult hardcover fiction, children’s books, and children’s book series. Her clients have won numerous awards including: New York Times Best Illustrated Book, The Schneider Family Award, Boston Globe Horn Book Honor, and Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist.

She has been a member of AALA (American Association of Literary Agents, formerly AAR) since 1993. She served on the Program Committee and was Program Committee Director for several years. She was also a member of the Electronic Committee.

She started her career at John Brockman Associates and then Mildred Marmur Associates. She was employed by Russell & Volkening for 6 years before she left to found Dunham Literary, Inc.

She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Anthropology and .has a master’s degree in Social Work from New York University (although she only practices with characters on the page).

She frequently speaks at writers conferences and events.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be emailed to

Dunham Literary accepts query letters by email only! After receiving a query letter, we request any and all projects that might be right for us. To submit a query letter by email, the correct address is: qu***@du*******.com

Authors: Please paste the query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript in the body of the email. Do not link to Google Docs or upload your query or pages as attachments. We do not open attachments with writing samples. Please do not send full manuscripts unless they are requested by us after receiving your query letter. We try to respond within four weeks from the time we receive query letters, but sometimes we are faster or slower.

Illustrators may attach 3 images as .JPG files with illustrations or sample pages of a dummy. It’s fine to include a link to a portfolio or samples online. For more information about querying, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Guidelines & Details

Vital Info