Haley Casey
Creative Media Agency, Inc.
My Manuscript Wish List®
I’ve always had a special place in my soul for stories, but it was when I wrote my first chapter book in fifth grade that my true love of literature was realized!
I’m actively building my list as an associate agent, and I’m ready and excited to assist my authors in achieving their publishing goals. Being an agent means I have to root for your work just as enthusiastically as you, so I have to fall in love with your engaging writing; your complex, flawed, and dynamic characters; and your plot, which should breathe new life into your favorite clichés. Tell me what makes your manuscript different! I’m especially interested in loose ends that are all tied up at the end, lyrical prose that makes me stop to reread sentences again and again, and characters that jump off the page and make me laugh, cry, and reevaluate what I think I know.
I’d like to represent:
- Women’s Fiction
- Book Club Fiction (Killers of a Certain Age, please!)
- Romance (Slow burn? Enemies to lovers? Fake dating? I love it all.)
- Contemporary
- Paranormal
- Nonfiction
- Memoir
- Narrative
- True Crime (especially writing like I’ll Be Gone in the Dark)
- Cultural, LGBTQ+, and Women’s Issues
- Gardening and Sustainability
Young Adult
- Contemporary (I would love to find another Hello Girls.)
- Mystery/Horror
- Fantasy
- (Light) Science Fiction (think Welcome to Night Vale or Snowpiercer)
- Dystopian (especially a project like Delirium, Uglies, or Scythe)
- Nonfiction
- Contemporary
- Mystery (The Westing Game, anyone?)
- Fantasy
- (Light) Science Fiction
Send me anything that focuses on minority voices, including POC, LGBTQ+, disability, and mental health issues. I love thoughtful and meaningful magical realism for any age group, nuanced character relationships, urban fantasy, clever fairytale retellings, and reimagined classics (such as Jane Austen, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, or The Count of Monte Cristo).
Fun facts about me:
Since high school I’ve worked a ridiculous number of jobs, from childcare and the food service industry to a veterinary clinic and Barnes & Noble. I love experiencing new things, and seeing “behind the scenes” anywhere I can. I live in Kansas (and will readily defend it as not just a “flyover state”) with my husband, my garden, two cats, and many more pets to come if I have my way! I’m a Type 5 according to Enneagram, INTP according to Myers-Briggs, and an Aquarius. I can often be found watching a variety of 30-minute comedies on a loop.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be emailed to query@cmalit.com
Please email me your query to qu***@cm****.com, and include the following in the body of the email:
- For fiction, the query letter and first five pages of text.
- For nonfiction, along with your query please include an extended author bio and the marketing section of your book proposal.
- Remember to write “query” in the subject heading, and address it to me!
I’ll reply to queries and requested material as quickly as possible, but feel free to check in if you don’t hear back in about 6 weeks.
Vital Info