Christine Goss

FinePrint Literary Management

My Manuscript Wish List®

*as of 5/3/24 I am closed to unsolicited submissions.*

Thank you for taking the time to review my MSWL to be sure we are a good fit.
What the stories I enjoy most include:
1. High stakes and high tension with action right off the bat. The first pages need to be strong.
2. Even if it’s not the main plot, I gravitate to stories that have a heavy romantic element.
3. A strong voice will hook me.
I am always looking for LGBTQ+ , BIPOC, and neurodiverse stories.

Now for my overall MSWL ( not necessarily a list, but more so a what I’m looking for in a general sense):

  1. I’m opening up to most genres in Adult and YA. While I’m not totally a expert in horror or thriller (need to be honest here), I’ve been surprised how I’ve gravitated to stories with suspenseful elements. But what I really hope for in these genres are a TWIST that I can’t see coming and makes me literally gasp.
  2. I’m not the agent for your story if there is on page description of a child death. It can be a part of the story but describing a child drowning, dying in a car crash etc- not for me.
  3. STAKES. I am a high stakes girlie. Like, the things that could happen if your character doesn’t achieve what they want need to be bigggggg.
  4. I always love good dialogue, but what I’ve realized with my authors is that I also need to viscerally know how one feels. I want to feel it with the character.
  5. Line level writing that makes me set down my reading device (usually my phone TBH) and just sit with a line. If you know what that means, reference CeCe Lyra’s Writing on a Line Level course or read VAMPIRES OF EL NORTE and then you’ll know.
  6. Lastly, it doesn’t need to be the main plot. It doesn’t need to be plot B. It just needs to be in the story somehow- gimme all the love. Heart eyes. Angst. LOVE!
  7. I would love, love, love, to see Graphic Novels by author/illustrators or photo story telling.

Niche MSWL (here is where I’ll get specific but if you don’t have this, fear not! Still query me if you think we’ll be a good fit because these are just things that I’d like to see, but are not by any means mandatory):

  • I would love to have a historical romance with bullfighting.
  • Community: LGTBQ+ Abed and Troy
  • If you comp Crazy Stupid Love or Hitch
  • Elemental X OG Westside Story Romantasy
  • LGBTQ Friday Night Lights (bonus if enemies to lovers)
  • Prohibition Historical Romance surrounding smuggling booze.
  • Second Chance in a marriage or friends to lovers tropes always make my giggle and kick my heels with joy.
  • Dexter x Greys Anatomy with a love triangle.

Recent favorite reads that I’d love to see comp’d:


I am open to most non-fiction, and here are a few things specifically I’d love to see:

  • -Cookbooks surrounding history and culture mixed in with personal anecdotes from the author.
  • -There was a great photo journalism project that was pitched during #Pitblk that I still dream about, so please, if you’re that person, send me your work!! OR if you have something similar, send my way!
  • -If you have recipes that contain plaintains and it’s authentic to Central/South America, please send.
  • -I would love narrative non-fiction in many forms. But since I also work on a winery, words from BIPOC vintners, sommleiers or wine regions in different parts of the world that are under appreciated– SEND THOSE TO ME!
  • -I really stray from wellness, but if it is something that helps with mental health and the mental load for mothers, I’m all ears.
  • – Additionally, to step off the last niche idea, I’d love to see something about parenting for the parents, about the parents, needed for parents. Like, not a “how to put your baby to sleep.” More so a “this is why you cannot handle your baby not sleeping and how you can be sure to take care of yourself.”
  • – I’d love a book that highlights seasonal work and how important it is to agriculture.



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