Amanda Bernardi

High Line Literary Collective

My Manuscript Wish List®

I came to publishing after twelve years in publicity and branding for purpose-driven organizations focused on environmental, fair labor, and health care initiatives. My graduate work in Social Science at the University of Colorado and a BA in English Creative Writing from Texas A&M University, continue to influence my reading tastes and interests. With a start in publishing at Tin House, Guernica Magazine, and Massie & McQuilkin Literary Agents, I began my career with Paper Over Board a division of High Line Literary Collective in 2022.

As a book developer and writer, I have worked on a variety of projects ranging from cookbooks, design, art, wellness, lifestyle and narrative non-fiction. I look for opportunities where my experience can help elevate the author’s expertise to find the best editorial home for their work, as well as a strong publicity and launch plan to help their book succeed long after it is sold. I look forward to establishing long-lasting, multi-book relationships with my authors.

What I’m looking for:

I work exclusively in non-fiction and am looking to work with platform- or expertise-driven authors in food, drink, home & design, wellness, pop culture, social justice, art, humor, parenting, activism, social science, psychology, pop history, nature, investigative journalism, environmentalism, sports, pop science, women’s health or any subject that elevates the social discourse.

I champion books with practical elements and actionable takeaways, those that inform as much as they inspire.

Specific proposals I’d love to see right now:

  • Wellness, relationships, and self-improvement specifically aimed at millennials
  • Girlhood, the power of young women/teenagers (economic, social, cultural)
  • Politics, science, or history from the 1980s to today
  • Gut-brain connection, whether as a cookbook or scientific deep dive
  • Water shortage and the future of the West
  • Anthropological deep dives into contemporary subjects: social media, entertainment, politics, language, and more.

Submission Guidelines

I welcome full proposal submissions. If you do not have a full proposal, please submit the following: a query letter explaining the hook of your idea, your author bio with specifics about your platform and audience, as well as sample excerpts from your book. If your project has a visual element, please try to include samples of your artwork, photography or design vision.

Please submit through Query Manager here.  If I request material, please send it along as a word document or PDF attachment.

I work exclusively in non-fiction and do not represent fiction, picture books, poetry or screenplays. I do not take on many memoirs and prefer not to work on issues of sexual or domestic violence.

I consider all submissions thoughtfully, and if I am interested in your project, I will get back to you within twelve weeks. If you do not hear from me, please know I appreciate you thinking of me and wish you the best of luck with your work.

Guidelines & Details