Urgent need:

Witches. Lots of witch stories, preferably in the style of Terry Pratchett.

Alex Brown’s Evergreen Wishlist!

Across Adult, YA, and MG, I am particularly drawn to: Final Girls who are also monsters, diaspora stories, horror of any kind, stories that will make her laugh/cry/wonder if something is lurking in the darkness, anything that hints at what might be hiding in the ocean, witches, rom coms, witchy rom coms, women/enby/POC-lead thrillers that … Read more

Jo’s Manuscript Wishlist

For fiction, Jo is seeking books that subvert genre expectations or combine genres in innovative ways, as well as stories with dark humor and absurdist elements. They crave shocking ideas and twists that make readers leap to text their friends about or jump on to social media to engage in conversation. They are also seeking … Read more