Steven Hutson

WordWise Media Services

My Manuscript Wish List®

Steven Hutson is a native of Los Angeles, a child of the 1960s, and a storyteller almost from birth. But like most writers, he kept a day job in-between gigs. After having a couple of books published, he set up shop as a freelance editor, handling hundreds of projects in almost every genre. After a while he got drafted to direct a writers’ conference for several years, making many valuable contacts along the way. When an editing client asked him to broker several book deals, he resisted. But as it turned out, he enjoyed the dealmaking and contract negotiations.

With this newfound confidence, he hung out a new shingle as a literary agent in early 2011. Today his company employs three agents and serves 50 clients. He has placed their works with Harlequin, Dutton, HarperCollins, Tyndale, Hachette, Writer’s Digest Books, and others. Several clients have won prestigious awards for their works.

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