Cate Hart

Harvey Klinger

My Manuscript Wish List®

For Contemporary Romance, I’m looking for a great RomCom feel. Would really love a caper or heist romance, sexy and stylized like To Catch a Thief or fun and adventurous like Ocean’s 11. For Historical Romance, I’m still looking for a Gilded Age setting with a swoon-worthy Fifth Avenue Tycoon or Knickerbocker. And MORE high concept Fantasy Romance.
In Adult Fiction, especially Historical and Women’s Fiction, I’d love to find a fantastic Time Slip, or dual points of view connecting or converging over a single thread, event or object. Think The Alice Network or Russian Winter. I’d also love to find the perfect Gothic historical or mystery with the classic feel of Daphne Du Maurier or Agatha Christie. I’m also looking for domestic thrillers, think J.T. Ellison or Gillian Flynn.

In fantasy and sci-fi, I’m looking for a new twist on a classic trope. And anything that can be compared to West World. I’m also looking to find that same type of commercial high concept YA fantasy, like Six of Crows, The Star Touched Queen, Children of Blood and Bone, The Belles, The Cruel Prince, or Truthwitch to name few, in adult fantasy. Also contemporary fantasy and especially magical realism.
In Middle Grade, I’m looking for all genres, but I’m especially drawn to stories of strong bonds of friendship, or mischief and adventure. For YA, I prefer more high-concept, commercial young adult, especially fantasy, fairy tale and classics retellings, mystery and thrillers, and historical fantasy.

And I always welcome diverse stories and diverse authors.

What I’m not looking for at this time:


Erotica or BDSM

Regency Romance

Political Thrillers


Military Historical unless about extraordinary women in the military and wartime

General Fiction focusing on the trials of the down-on-their-luck, fired, divorced main character

Hard-boiled detectives

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Please send query, 1-2 page synopsis and the first 5 pages of your work through Query Manager at

You can check for updates on query status and wishlists.

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